Monday, April 30, 2012

The Adult Learner

I’ve been reminded this week about the importance of adult learning principles while facilitating a study group for the PHR/SPHR class.

If you are a leader trying to train or teach an adult, here are some principles to consider:
1.     Seek input from the learner(s) about what their needs are and what content delivery best meets their learning needs.
2.     Focus on real world issues.
3.     Apply information being taught to their jobs.  In other words, apply work-related experiences to the learning.  Encourage learners to share their experiences as a basis for connecting content to on the job application.
4.     Make sure the training meets their goals and expectations.
5.     Allow for debate and the exchange of ideas between participants.
6.     Provide tools for immediate application of content on the job.

It is also important to consider different learning styles (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) and provide content that reaches the learning styles of different participants.   A strictly lecture style approach is not the most effective.  Try to incorporate:

·      Videos
·      Case-Studies
·      Role-Play
·      Activities such as worksheets, etc.

Here are a couple of cool tools to help facilitate group or self-study:

Speakeasy App for voice recording notes

Taking or considering taking the PHR or SPHR?   You might find information on Ben Eubank’s UpstartHR blog useful.  Make sure you scroll down to see the link about his PR Study Guide as well as other blog posts related to the topic. 

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