Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Addition to Thursday- Career Development Series

I will be starting a weekly blog post on Thursdays (in addition to our leadership focused blog post on Mondays) that focuses on Career Development.  Although this will be useful information for people of all ages, it should particularly be helpful for students.  Hope you enjoy this new series!

Here's what we'll cover:

Part 1: Your Horizon

A.  Know Yourself:  Explore your talents, passions and values to make wise career decisions.
-Talents as employers see them- KSAOs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities and Other Characteristics)
-Passions through your Holland Code
-Values- know your ideal workstyle and lifestyle

B.     Understand the Market
-Are you useful?
-Explore bright outlook careers
-What do employers want?

C.     Match Yourself:  Explore Your Horizon
-Use what you know about yourself and what you know about the market to learn about careers 
-Conduct informational interviews
-Job shadowing keeps you from hiding in someone else's shadow
-No one gets a good job these days without an internship(s)

Part 2:  Success Tools

A.     Define your mission
B.     Be a 3%er- set goals
C.     Practice Makes Perfect, why you need 10,000 hours and grit to succeed 
E.     Create a network and find a mentor
F.     It isn’t all about the money
G.    Don’t neglect happenstance
H.   Give Back!

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