Monday, January 2, 2012

Strategic Resolutions

In the workplace, we often focused on setting strategic goals and objectives that stem from a core mission.  For example, I’ve been working on a Workforce Development Strategic Plan for MCEDA and the Chamber that will guide our efforts over the next few years.   It begins with a vision, mission and values statement to direct the purpose of the plan. We constantly refer to these guiding statements to determine the goals and plans we set.

 It seems a though, we often neglect to think strategically as individual professionals and people.  So this year, as we start the time of making New Years’ Resolutions, I would encourage you to think about your purpose both personally and professionally, realizing that both should be intricately intertwined.   This should help you set your goals for the year.

A way to do this is to develop a mission statement for yourself.  In Dave Ramsey’s book, EntreLeadership, he advocates for creating personal and business mission statements.   Mission statements should answer the what, how and why of you.  For example, my professional and company mission is, “to provide career and leadership coaching and consulting that leads to a passionate and productive workforce.”

You can find a worksheet for developing a mission statement at:  How to Develop a Mission Statement: EntreLeadership Online Worksheet

Once you’ve done this, you are better equipped to set goals or resolutions for the year.  Throughout the month of January, I’ll be providing food for thought about how to put your mission statement into action.  There is no one size fits all, or a best way to do this, so I’ll be offering different insights and you can decide what is helpful to you.

Do you have a mission statement?  If so, how does it help you focus your priorities or resolutions for the new year?

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